
Lua is an e-commerce website for sellers in Brazil focuses on clothing and accessories. Sellers open their online stores and advertise on social networks or directly to customers. The business wants to incorporate AR technology to increase the interactions between sellers and buyers and to increase sales. The idea is to introduce a gamified and personalized virtual fitting room tool that will spread on social media.

My Role

As a UX/UI Design consultant, I worked closely with Product Manager, Visual Designer, and two developers from Lua. I defined the UX flow and gave UI layout and styling options. The in-house Graphic Designer then took the design to make it more on brand.




2019 (3 months)

Design Problem

How might we personalize the virtual fitting room experience for buyers, in the meanwhile, reduce barriers to AR technology for sellers?

Visual User Flow

 For the Sellers

Identifying essential flows for first-time and returning users.

Hyper-personalized online shopping experience that boosts sales

To form a cycle with the seller and buyers from generating posts to sharing on social media with AR Try-on, till purchasing.

UI Iterations

Customize the look

I play with different UI designs. The goal is to make it as intuitive as possible. And better with more canvas space to customizing the look.

Pick a model or be the model.

If users don’t want to take photos of themselves, there’s a wide range of models with different races, body types to select. We were also thinking about using celebrities as models to add more fun.

I interviewed the developers to understand how AR technology works. If users do wish to take their model photos, there are hints showing how to make a model avatar that works well with AR technology. For example, positioning, adjust points, lighting, crop.

Product photography tutorial

A tailored-made tutorial to teach sellers how to make the best product photos for the AR Try-on.

We tested with sellers the tutorial with real photo footage and a more graphical approach. The photo one seems out of reach for them, and the graphic one feels more comfortable and friendly, and users are more willing to give it a try.

Try on or shop the look

As buyers, they can shop the whole look the sellers created. In addition, they can try on themselves to see how they look in these items before they make up their mind.